Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala, the former Chief Minister of Haryana, was cremated with state honors on Saturday, March 20, 2021, at Teja Khera Farm in the Sirsa district. Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini also came to Teja Khera Farm to pay his final respects and honor the departed soul.
Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala’s state funeral was a dignified and significant occasion held at Teja Khera Farm in Sirsa. His body was draped in the tricolor, representing the nation’s reverence.
Union Minister for Power, Housing, and Urban Affairs Manohar Lal, representing the national leadership, attended the last rites of former Haryana Chief Minister Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala at Teja Khera Farm on Saturday. His presence and the respect he showed Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted the unity and respect within the political sphere. As a mark of honor, he laid a floral wreath before paying his final respects.
While expressing his condolences, Manohar Lal highlighted that Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala dedicated his political life to serving the populace, especially advocating for farmers’ welfare. His profound loss has created a significant gap in the political landscape of the nation and the state, which will be significantly felt.